School Rules

I) School Timing


School :   Monday to Saturday -8.45 A.M. To 4.00 P.M.
Office / Administrative Hours : Monday to Saturday- 9.00 A.M.  To 5.00  P.M.
Visiting Hours For Parents : Monday to Friday - 03.00 P.M. To 04.00  P.M.
Principal: On all the working days i.e. Monday to Friday with an appointment. 03.00 P.M. To 04.00  P.M.


Rules Governing Fee Collection: School fee is payable at one time basis/installment basis i.e. at the beginning of the academic year before 15th April and or 15th September.

  1. Issuing of fee reminders is not mandatory for the School. It is the duty of parents to deposit the fee as per the schedule.
  2. All communications regarding fee are normally routed through the students. Parents are requested to make their wards aware in this regard.
  3. All school fee/dues must be paid at the School office, either in cash or by a Draft in favour of ‘Aarya Public School’
  4. The Draft must contain student’s name, Class, Section and residence contact phone no. at the back.
  5. Fee should be paid by the ‘Last date of payment’ as indicated above.’ In case of holiday the day before such holiday is considered to be the “Last date for payment”.
  6. Fine for late payment of fee: If fee is not paid by the “Last date of payment” a fine of Rs. 10/- per day including all holidays, will be charged from the “Last date of payment” and till the day of payment of fee.
  7. If the fee is paid by draft, late fine of Rs. 10/- per day shall start from 15th April/15th September in case of the “Last date of payment” only. No drafts will be accepted after 15th April/15th September.
  1. All correspondence / queries with respect to the school dues should be taken up directly with the School Accounts Department and not anybody else.
  1. Absence and Leave

A minimum of 75% attendance is a pre requisite for the Exams in every term.

The following rules must be followed in case leave becomes unavoidable:

  1. In case a leave is planned, submit a leave application duly signed by a parent in advance in the school diary.
  2. In case of absence due to illness or unforeseen circumstances submit a leave application within two working days of the student returning to school.
  3. A medical certificate is to be attached with application in case of illness.
  4. If a student has been suffering from an infectious disease, a doctor's certificate stating that the student is fit to attend school, after a quarantine period must be submitted. 
  5. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained leave for more than 20 consecutive days will result in the student's name being struck off from the school rolls.
  6. Leave during exams will not be considered under any condition except death of family member, serious illness of the student and student participating in sports activities outside school.
  7. Repeat Exam will not be conducted except for the conditions mentioned in point no. 6. Repeat exam will be planned as per requirement.
  8. Half day leave may be sanctioned to a student in case of emergency with the Principal’s Permission obtained through a written application in the school diary.


  1. Transport Rules

School Transport

  • The School has buses of its own; In addition students are transported to and from the school through hired buses.
  • Bus routes are fixed and the students have to use available routes convenient to them. Requests for change of route/boarding point will not be entertained.
  • The bus facilities are extended as a privilege and cannot be claimed as a right.
  • There is no system of part withdrawal or one way charge.
  • In case a student is found to behave in an indiscipline manner, he may not be allowed to use the school bus.
  • Bus fee is charged for 10½ months only.
  • Parents are requested to intimate change of address so that records can be updated. Bus charges will be applicable as per the routes.


  1. Transport/Bus Rules for Students:
  1. Arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before bus expected time of arrival.
  2. Remain seated in the bus and do not extend a body part outside the window.
  3. Wait for the bus to come to a halt before boarding or de-boarding.
  4. Do not eat or drink in the bus.
  5. Distracting the driver's attention by shouting and other acts is strictly prohibited.
  6. Carry a written application by a parent, duly verified by the class teacher in case you need travel on another route for a day.
  7. Follow the instructions strictly given by the bus attendant.
  8. Behave with respect and dignity with the bus driver and attendant.
  9. Do NOT spoil or destroy the bus properties, if found doing so, reimbursement will be taken from the students as per actual costs.
  10. Do NOT beat or harm other students during the travel in the bus. After three warnings the student will be discontinued with the bus facility.


  1. Transport/Bus fee:
  • Transport fee has to be paid on monthly basis at the start of every month/ half yearly basis/annual basis.
  • The fee can be paid at the School Accounts Department or can be given to the respective Bus Driver.
  • Entry of fees paid will be made by the Driver/School office in the trans-sheet that must be signed by the parent.
  • Transport fee must be paid by 5th of every month in case the parents are opting for monthly payment.
  • For non- payment of fees the student after the last date the student/s will not be picked up in the school bus.

      Withdrawal from transport/bus service

  • A student who wants to discontinue the use of the school bus must give a month's notice or pay bus fee charges in lieu of notice period.


  1. Withdrawal of Admission
  • One month's notice must be given in writing for a withdrawal. In case of a short notice period, full fee will be charged.
  • A student will be issued a Transfer Certificate only when the school dues have been cleared.
  • I-Card & Library Books, etc. must be returned to the office before clearance.
  • The first and last payment of school dues must be done only in cash.


  1. Code of Conduct for Students:

The school is a place to learn and grow. To make it run smoothly the following code of conduct is required: 

  • Punctuality:  Reporting for the assembly at 08.30 hours is a must. No student must be late for a class. Promptness in submitting home work, assignments and projects is necessary.
  • Regularity:  One day or period missed at school is like a broken link in a chain. Study regularly. Read what has been taught in class on a daily basis.
  • Discipline:  Students must show restraint in their behaviour. Talking loudly in corridors, class rooms, assembly grounds or other places in the school is NOT permitted. Silence must be maintained when the assembly is in progress. Occupy your mind in reading, solving puzzles, completing assignments, when you are free. Please queue up while moving from one class to another or when waiting for your turn for anything.
  • Cleanliness & Hygiene:  Do not litter the school. Use the dustbins. Defacing walls or graffiti is ugly. Do not scribble on desks, walls or doors. Maintain your bag, books, files and other material neatly. Keep yourself clean. Nails and hair must be clean and tidy. Wear a clean and well ironed uniform. Polish your shoes. Neatness is the hall-mark of a successful individual.
  • Courtesy: The language of a student must reflect refinement. Use of polite expressions is recommended on every occasion. Learn to use 'Excuse me', 'Please', 'Thank You', 'Sorry', 'Could I...', ‘May I’ liberally. Decorum must be maintained while talking to teachers and seniors. Extend courtesies to everyone including equals and juniors. Soft words of praise or thanks can prove magical. Observing courtesies can open doors.
    • Students should carry the books as per the time table given to them. Rough book should be carried for miscellaneous work.
    • Students must try to get clarity of points those are not understood during teaching. They may stand up and ask questions related to the content, to the teacher in the class without hesitation or fear. The teacher must ensure that the student has understood the chapter to at least 70% level.
    • Language of Communication in and out of campus: The students and Teachers MUST take English as the language of communication for formal and informal situations in the school and outside the school also.
    • Student should try to be active during all subjects teaching/ practical / activities carried out at the school. 
    • The student MUST have and use an English- English- Mother-tongue dictionary during study. For new vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, grammar this dictionary can be used.
    • Handwriting: Students must have legible and neat handwriting in notebooks, Tests, exams etc…
    • Diet Plan: Students must develop healthy eating habits in school and at home. A healthy body will support a healthy mind. Students must carry a clean Tiffin box, a napkin & water bottle.
    • After school hours the student must relax for at least 1 hour after reaching home or get involved in activities of personal interest.
    • Homework (if any): the student should revise the contents taught on the day and complete the home work, projects etc. on time as per the instructions given by the teacher. NO DELAY WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR NON COMPLETION HOME WORK.
    • Projects: Students should undertake the projects by themselves under the guidance of Teachers only. Involvement of parents/siblings/Google or any other person MUST be avoided.
    • Students should get involved in Vacations by reading Personality development books and takes notes in a notebook.
    • Respect: Students must adapt to the proverb “Give respect and Take Respect” with friends, teachers, staff, parents and any other person whom they meet in their personal life.
    • Uniform: Students must wear a neat and clean uniform to the school. Incomplete Uniform may attract disciplinary action on the student/s. Hair cut, nail cut must be monitored by the Prefects and Class Teachers.
      • Carrying mobile/Smart phone/Tabs, gold, silver, cash to the school is strictly prohibited.
      • Teasing, fighting, abusing, loss or damage to any property of school will invite disciplinary action against such accused students.

Follow these etiquettes:

  • Greeting young and old alike with a warm 'Hello, How are you?' or 'Good Morning' according to the age and position of the individual. Acknowledge the presence of a student or teacher even if you do not know him or her. Greet those who clean your classroom, mend your furniture, ring the bell etc.
  • Holding the door for the next person.
  • Using the wash room cleanly.
  • Helping a junior board or alight from the bus. Helping him or her get a seat in the bus.
  • Carrying a teacher's notebooks.
  • Using the books lent by the library well.
  • Talking softly while others are studying.
  • Using a handkerchief while sneezing/coughing etc.
  • Covering mouth while coughing, yawning or sneezing.
  • Integrity:  Honesty in all dealings is to be followed. Be true to your friends, teachers and yourself. Cheating in exams will invite heavy penalties. Completing an assignment from a guide book can never increase knowledge. This will increase your trust value in the school by being genuine and honest.
  • Generosity:  Be generous in helping others. Be a buddy to a classmate who needs academic support. Do not let any one copy your project, answer sheet or home assignment.
  • Quality:  Please do not neglect the little things. Never skimp on extra effort. Giving the best should be your trademark.
  • Initiative: Be pro-active. Jump into the middle of things by accepting responsibilities. Take charge of programmes, offer help and support to teachers, classmates and schoolmates.
  • Awareness:  Stand for causes such as reduction of emissions and conservation of resources, freedom from child labour, secularism, global peace and multi-culturalism. Go green by carrying cloth bags. Restrict the use of plastics. Work to bring about social harmony.

Any other instruction given to students from time to time must be strictly followed.

The above mentioned SCHOOLS RULES from page no. 1 to page no. 5 are hereby approved by the School Management Committee in the Third Meeting held on 25th Feb 2016 at Aarya Public School.




Mr. Anwar Mulani                            Prof. Parveen Jamadar                     Mrs. Pranita Shinde

     Secretary- SMC                                Vice Chairman- SMC                            Chairman- SMC



Approvals on behalf of the Trust Shri Vitthal Shikshan Prasarak Mandal are given by:       




Mr. Ranjit Shinde


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